
What Does That Symptom Mean? A Health and Medical Blog

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What Does That Symptom Mean? A Health and Medical Blog

If you are like me, you probably do online research the minute you start feeling poorly. While the internet can be an incredible resource, it can also be scary, especially when you "diagnose" yourself with a serious illness when you really only have a cough. In this blog, I am going to write about various medical symptoms and explore which conditions they relate to. I also plan to write about home remedies and give advice on when you should make an appointment with the doctor. Beyond that, I just plan to see where the writing takes me. I'm so glad you're along with me for this journey, and I hope that blog informs and educates you about health and medical issues.


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Navigating the NDIS Continence Assessment: A Comprehensive Guide
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Many people who see a physiotherapist do so due to

Three Signs You Should Seek Help for Your Mental Health
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What happens during a vascular ultrasound?
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Many people are familiar with ultrasound scans; th

Hip Pain: An Introduction
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Hip pain is a common type of pain, and various thi

Navigating the NDIS Continence Assessment: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) continence assessment can be a challenging task. This guide aims to demystify the process, highlighting the benefits of undertaking an assessment and providing insights into when it might be necessary to consider one. Deciphering the NDIS Continence Assessment The NDIS continence assessment is a critical component in determining the support required for individuals with continence issues. It involves a comprehensive evaluation by qualified healthcare professionals to identify the specific needs and appropriate interventions for each individual. Read More 

How to Manage Pain During Physiotherapy

Many people who see a physiotherapist do so due to an injury or pain. Over time, the right techniques promote healing and make pain better. However, during the healing process, you may find that your pain makes it difficult to engage. At some stages, your pain might feel slightly worse. Fortunately, there are ways to manage pain during your physiotherapy sessions. Communicate Your physiotherapist can only assist with pain if you communicate with them. Read More 

Three Signs You Should Seek Help for Your Mental Health

Having mental health issues can be really difficult because they come and go over time, and they can creep up on you without you noticing. This guide explains three tell-tale signs that it's time to seek help from a medical professional for your mental health.  Everyday Tasks Seem More Difficult The first tell-tale sign that you should seek healthcare is that everyday tasks are getting more difficult. Whether you're finding it hard to get out of bed, struggling to shower and get ready for the day, or can't get motivated to cook healthy meals, getting help from a GP or psychology clinic can be really helpful. Read More 

What happens during a vascular ultrasound?

Many people are familiar with ultrasound scans; they're often used to check in on unborn babies inside the womb, and anyone who has been pregnant (or supported someone who is) will have seen the evocative blurry black-and-white images they produce. These types of scans actually have a great many more applications, however, and pregnancy is far from their only use! Ultrasound scans are so named because they use soundwaves to build a picture of the inside of the body—it's a little like the sonar a bat uses to navigate as it flies. Read More 

Hip Pain: An Introduction

Hip pain is a common type of pain, and various things can cause it. This post explores the causes of hip pain and what you can do to find relief. The article also looks at when it's time to see a doctor about your hip pain. So if you're suffering from hip pain, keep reading! 1. What is hip pain? The hip joint is the location where the femur and pelvis meet. Read More